Salut! I'm Jérémie 👋

Sometimes I write code, sometimes I teach code…

Stuffs I do 👇

Some projects

Voltapp is a no-code tool to create web apps using a graph based visual coding. This is my main project as a Co-founder of Celestory company.

Code Passport is an interactive website to learn code (JS, HTML & CSS). I'm developping it on my spare time with my friend Vi.

Open-source board game inspired by the french board game ttmc repurposed to learn dev/tech concepts. Add your own cards here.

Slides for workshops

Intro to VSCode Intro to GIT Intro to async Intro to React Intro to Debug Intro to TypeScript Intro to POO

By the way…

This portfolio is mostly used to teach some HTML, CSS & JavaScript to students. Feel free to fork/copy it on Github and use it as your own portfolio starting point!

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